Zimbabwe Tobacco Industrial Workers Union


Zimbabwe Tobacco Industrial Workers Union (ZTIWU) is an organisation which is registered with the Ministry of Public Service Labour and Social Welfare. ZTIWU has its head office in Harare at Number 13A, Simon Mazorodze Road Waterfalls.It represents the workers in the Tobacco Industry and the furtherance of their interests.

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Unionism and activism date back decades for example, pioneering unions were predominant in the railway industry in the pre-independence era. Pioneers during this period include Silus Mhembere, who was part of the team that formed ZTIWU.  The attainment of independence in Zimbabwe in 1980 opened doors for more players in trade unionism.

Silus Mhembere was the General Secretary in the late 1980s to early 1990s, after he passed on and in the nine years to follow the likes of Maburutse, Thomas Sithole and Alex Maposa took up the General Secretary role in an Acting capacity.

Other Notable Appointments in later years are listed below.

President, 1989 – 1998 – Agrippa Mapurisa

President, 1999 Nehemiah Shoko

Deputy President, 1999 – Estvao Cumbulane

General Secretary, 1999 – Nimrod Noruwana

Treasurer, 1999 – Maidza Muhwina

Deputy President, 2001 – Emson Sibanda

General Secretary, 2001 – Estvao Cumbulane

National Organizing Secretary, 2004 – Phoebe Madziva

National Organizing Secretary, 2004 – Emmanuel Mariro.

General Secretary, 2008 – Emson Sibanda

President, 2008 – Claudius Makurumure

Deputy President, 2008 – Elson Chiseya

President, 2014 – Elfigio Muzhazhe

A congress will be held in 2019, part of the agenda will include fostering unity of purpose within the Tobacco Industry. ZTIWU has a Womens’ Advisory Committee (WAC) which deals with gender matters and has Sub Committees incorporating thoughts of new and young members. As a party to the Tobacco Industry National Employment Council in the same capacity as employers in the Tobacco Industry, the union stands for harmony, progressiveness, and the prosperity of workers.

ZTIWU is affiliated to the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU). ZTIWU humbly and proudly displays through its members commitment to bring turnaround to Zimbabwe as a country in handling the golden leaf to avail the needed foreign currency.


Elfigio                  Muzhazhe                              – President

Edmund               Chipunza, Mhandu            – Deputy President

Emson                  Sibanda                                 – General Secretary

Enock                    Makuyana                            – Deputy General Secretary

Chamunorwa      Kamoto                                 – Treasurer

Emmanuel            Mariro                                  –  National Organizing Secretary